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Anitta Suikkari in HBO series

News 18.04.21

Our artist partner Anitta Katriina Suikkari has extensive experience with theater and film and TV productions. She has just finished Beaivvaš's performance "Koke Bjørn", and now she is current with HBO Nordic's new series "Velkommen til Utmark", which premieres today 18.04.21. We have had a chat with her.

- It was great fun to get the role of Mother Marja. She is between 90-95 years old, and during the recording I spent 3 hours in make-up every morning to become her, says Anitta.

What was it like to see yourself in the mirror after the make-up?

- It was very funny to see the complete change after the make-up. They made me over 30 years older. It's a small but important role and the character comes towards the end of the series, and I won't reveal too much of the plot. But I can say that she is referred to in one of the reviews as "Bilzi's grandmother from Hell", says Anitta with a laugh.

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What do you think is the biggest difference between acting in front of a camera versus a theater stage?

- What is fascinating about theater is that there is usually an 8-week trial period leading up to the premiere. You start with analyzes and try out different things together with the director and colleagues to arrive at what should be for the premiere. So one examines one's role over a longer period of time. Also, you have to remember it for the next time, and the next time. You have to save it all the time, and it's nice because you can go in depth or spread out with "bad suggestions", play with the role, enjoy it for a long time, like sucking on a caramel.

- On film, things happen faster, you have to be more spot on. There are of course preparations, but you are perhaps more left alone during the preparations. The shooting situation is intense, you get instructions there and then, and often almost the first impression, the first takes, are the best, whereas in theater you have to do it many, many times to get it to stick. It is also here that I, who am a theater actor at bottom, have to jack down my expression in front of the camera.

- I know that I can love that concentration on the film set, the silence before the action starts and now that I have grown older and more wrinkled in the face, I feel better and better in front of the camera. I think it's great and challenging to combine the two worlds. They have completely different working methods, but at the same time the reason is the same.

What was it like to play in the series "Welcome to Utmark?"

- I really like the theme. I myself am attracted to portraying what is not perfect. People who have good intentions, but maybe fail a little and show themselves to be weak. It is a difficult project to be a good person. I think the series will appeal to many. There are heavy themes that are presented in the form of dark comedy and drama. And then I am so incredibly grateful to have been able to work with such talented, beautiful and generous people at all stages of the production, especially the cool director Dagur Kàri and the make-up designer Asta Hafthorsdaughter! It was fun!

You have acted in both film/TV and theatre. What is funniest?

- I can't put one before the other. They are different and it's nice to change them every now and then. I feel lucky to have that opportunity.

Will you be acting more TV in the future?

- I am so lucky that it actually has to be. Right now there is production of a series called "Catch and Release" which is being done by Shuuto Arctic with Arne Berggren and Kristine Berg. It is the same gang that made "Outlier" that artist partner Ken Are Bongo worked with. So it's very exciting and I'm happy to work with them, they're great people.

Trailer: Velkommen til utmark