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News 25.02.23

Support for the demonstration at the Ministry of Oil and Energy. Abuse of nature in Sápmi cannot be read without connection to man!

State on Steroids Maret Anne Sara

Three years ago, Dáiddadállu started the project Eadnámet Maid!, when we saw how our land and water areas all over Sápmi are being destroyed and razed and what struggles and burdens individuals and communities are forced into. Politicians and fighting against major political decisions and policies. Individuals and families must constantly fight legal battles via the legal system - and in the worst case take action and put their own body and mind on the front line and gaping hole, in order to protect the Sami way of life and culture.

Feel free to think about it, that these are only the immediate strains that can easily be seen with the naked eye, but what is not seen in Norwegian society or in the public eye, is the inner and spiritual strain that affects indigenous communities that live with close ties and close belonging to surroundings and animals. What happens to the country, happens to us. What affects our animals also affects us.

502 days

Dáiddadállu has followed the Fosen case from the sidelines and last year chose to end the EadnámetMaid project with a study trip to the Fovsen njaarke reindeer grazing district, and the huge illegal wind industry area on Storheia and Roan. Where there are a total of 277 wind turbines in the middle of important reindeer grazing areas, which have now been demolished and turned into a heavy industrial area where it is dangerous for both people and animals to travel.

When the study tour was carried out, 400 days had passed since the Supreme Court determined that the natural intervention at Fosen is an ongoing violation of human rights. The state's role as owner and licensee in the case has meant that the judgment, now after 502 days, has not yet been complied with. This situation is worrying and evokes feelings of powerlessness in both individuals and society in Sápmi.

Support for the campaign at the Ministry of Oil and Energy

Although Eadnámet Maid! the project has formally ended, the topic is far from over - it is rather more important than ever. Working with such hot topics and people who are in the middle of it has been a difficult mental journey for the participants and for us in the production. It has taught us to use necessary tools before, during and after many calls. This in turn has led to us learning to involve and look after the mental health of those standing on the barricades, as well as for our employees and partners.

Skjermbilde 2023 02 25 kl 11 52 02

Dáiddadállu will thereby give support to the campaign at the Ministry of Oil and Energy, where many of the individuals who are now demonstrating have been important partners in our extensive Eadnámet Maid! project. Indigenous law and human rights are not a choice!