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Hilde Skancke Pedersen with a new solo exhibition

News 28.04.21

Hilde Skancke Pedersen works as a visual artist, writer, scenographer and costume designer. She describes her artistic expression which includes mixed media/mixed technique, painting, collage, photography and installation. Skancke Pedersen often crosses art genres in the tension between visual art and theatre, which results in expressions such as performance and stage texts. Now she is working on a new solo exhibition which opens at Sámi Daiddaguovddáš 08.05.21.

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Exhibition based on reuse

Hilde is very concerned about nature and preserving the environment, and decided to use reuse for almost the entire exhibition.

- We deal with so much littering, which I myself am a part of, as part of modern society, but I try to keep consumption low and have as little environmental footprint as possible. I am very keen on reuse, and work with works that deal with our time's treatment of nature. There is so much harmful exploitation of nature in the form of wind farms, mines etc. From now on we must regard all mountains as sacred. A work in the exhibition is called "Bassi varri", and is made from materials from t-shirts and hoodies that I have found in second-hand shops. Parts are then cut out of this fabric and put together to form the mountain that the work is inspired by.

- One of the works is called "Magic carpet", which is inspired by a kind of magical, flying carpet. It consists of many empty pill charts that I have collected from institutions in Finnmark. Joined with knots, the different colors of the medicine cards form patterns in the surface. "Magic carpet" is exhibited so that both sides of the work can be viewed, says Skancke Pedersen.

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Not a glamorous life

Working as an artist does not mean just working with art.

- My life now during the corona era is not much different than otherwise. I work alone a lot and I mostly work at home. I am privileged to work as an artist, but it is not a glamorous profession. There is a lot of administrative work that we artists have to deal with as business owners. Reports, emails here and there, applications, communication with exhibition venues. a large part of our working time is spent on administration. Now before the exhibition opening, there is extra work pressure. I was allowed to borrow premises at Beaivváš, so that I and the assistants could work on the larger works there. I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to have two assistants who have helped me with the exhibition, says the artist.

Collected material for the exhibition over several years

Hilde describes how her works are created. The ideas are often spontaneous, while the work process takes time and can last several years:

- The work process itself is very slow and demanding, and characterizes most of what I do. I have worked on many of the works for the exhibition for several years. I have planned the material use itself, but not each individual work. In the exhibition I have both light and dark themes in the exhibition. It is a very bright work that is a tribute to elderly women in Kautokeino. The work is an installation of 8 watercolors in circles, which shows that the women are still on the move, still going strong with a lot of courage and strength. It is a colorful installation that is something completely different from the darker side of the exhibition.

- The viewer is the expert on the work

- I always say that the one who sees the work of art is the one who decides. You don't need to understand the work, it's like when we see a mountain, we don't think about whether we understand it or not, we consider what we see and take it to heart. It gives us an atmosphere, explains Hilde.

Opening of “Vuoiŋŋastat – Breath”

Hilde's exhibition opens at Sami daiddaguovddas on Saturday 8.5.21 at 18:00. The exhibition lasts until 20.6.21. Sami Daiddaguovddas has his own guidelines for handling COVID-19:

If you have signs of illness, please stay at home

Dispensers with hand sanitizer are set out in our premises, and we encourage frequent use of these

Remember to keep a distance of 1 meter from others at all times

Show solidarity with the others at the event by washing your hands regularly and maintaining good personal hygiene, respect others' need for distance