
Kamillaweb Foto Anne Katja Gaup 2 2048x1365

Kamilla Triumf: Sámi Popart

News 19.03.21

On Maundy Thursday, 1.4.21, Dáiddadállu's Easter exhibition opens together with artist partner Kamilla Marie Triumf. The exhibition Sámi popart by Kamilla Triumf is Kamilla's first exhibition in Kautokeino and the exhibition is in collaboration with the Sámi Easter Festival and Kautokeino village park.

– Jeg skal vise frem samisk popart i utstillingen. Den består av både malte bilder og digitale illustrasjoner. Det er mye farger og motivene består av samiske elementer. Mine verk kan også tolkes slik at de utfordrer normer, forteller Triumf.

Sami popart by Kamilla Triumf 1318x1600

Bringing forth a new artist

Kamilla Marie Triumf has attended Karasjok art school. Recently, she decided to work professionally with art, and has therefore applied to become an artist partner at Dáiddadállu. Dáiddadállu works to develop artists and make their art visible. - That is why we are incredibly happy when we are now going to curate Kamilla's first exhibition in her home town of Kautokeino, says Dine.

Reflects modern times in Sapmi

The Popart artist will show that Sami art follows society's development and modernization. "Art in modern pathways" is the name of the exhibition and this is how she shows the Sami in a new guise via art.

- I hope the exhibition will arouse the curiosity of the public, especially the young. It is also possible to buy the works in the exhibition, says Kamilla.

Dáiddadállu's general manager, Dine Arnannguaq Fenger Lynge, is looking forward to the exhibition opening.

- We are so proud to be able to present and display works by our new, talented artist partner, Kamilla Marie Tríumf. Both Kamilla and the genre are exciting and fresh, which I think appeals widely, says Lynge.

Dáiddadállu has collaborated with the Sami Easter Festival since 2019 and has recently also established a lasting collaboration with Gilišilju. - We are very happy about the broad collaboration we have established with local institutions. We believe in cooperation. By joining together, we succeed and reach more people, Dine asserts.

"Sámi popart by Kamilla Triumf" opens at the same time as the Easter festival, Maundy Thursday at 14:00. The exhibition is at Gilišilju's old boarding school, and runs until 23 May.

We take our responsibility in the local and national efforts to limit the spread of the coronavirus seriously and ask our guests to do the same. We have good infection control measures during the exhibition and follow the local and national recommendations. Everyone can keep up to date on the corona situation and current recommendations on Kautokeino municipality's website. In particular, we ask visiting Easter guests to be careful to follow the local and national advice for visiting Easter guests.