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Máret Ánne Sara: Homecoming from the fight for rights

News 26.07.21

Welcome to Sara's largest collective exhibition of the series of works that she has produced through the family's legal battle against the Norwegian state. After being shown around the world and attracting international attention, the works finally return home and are shown here in the heart of Sápmi and the homeland of the reindeer that will be slaughtered by the road. In collaboration with Dáiddadállu, Gilišilju, the National Museum and Sámi Allaskuvla, Sara is showing a large part of her latest and most politically charged work, which was produced during her brother's, Jovsset Ante Sara's, trial against the Norwegian state in the fight against the forced slaughter of Sara's family's reindeer - and rights .

The much-discussed masterpiece Pile O'Sápmi Supreme, which consists of 400 reindeer heads and was purchased by the National Museum, is on display at Sámi Allaskuvla. Sara's other monumental work, "Gielastuvvon", which was recently purchased by the Nord Norsk Art Museum, is shown in the Sami version at Gilišilju, which also exhibits the Pile o'Sápmi Power Necklace, which was purchased by the Sami Art Collection, as well as the Pile Power jewelry series that Sara has developed in collaboration with the American jewelry artist Matt Lambert. Máret Ánne is looking forward to the exhibition opening, but thinks the works can elicit strong reactions from the public. - Pile O´Sápmi Supreme has until now been shown in very specific places and under strong conflict.

It has spoken with a clear language regardless of the places it has been. I still believe that it will be a completely different experience for people here at home. It can be a stronger experience, and it can perhaps feel more painful because the reindeer is so important to us for our identity, for our culture, history and for our basis of existence. 

- I remember well what it was like after the first trial in Tana. People told me they were horrified, and to this day reindeer owners tell me how uncomfortable it was to see the reindeer heads hanging like that. They stir up strong emotions in me too, especially when the heads swayed in strong gusts of wind outside the Norwegian Parliament. I have not collected the heads with a light heart, but precisely with a view to conveying an insane and seriously serious situation. Our land, reindeer, living conditions and rights are being tried to be torn apart by the state's laws, and even if we try to have our say, we are overlooked by the high lords who don't care for a second about us, says Sara.

Máret Ánne Sara. Photo: Nasjonalmuseet

Máret Ánne Sara. Photo: Nasjonalmuseet

Pile o´ Sápmi Supreme is about a refined, almost unrecognizable colonization in the shadow of modern democracy and an apparently fair rule of law, says Sara. At the same time, the work is about the right to exercise one's culture, about the right to protect land, animals, people and rights in Sápmi. The title refers to the "pile o' bones": the slaughter of buffalo tribes in North America, carried out by white colonialists as a political strategy to dislodge indigenous people from their territories and thus gain access to their lands.

- It was our own luck and hard work that provided a solution for our private situation, but the reindeer heads remain a reminder that the reindeer owners' political situation has not been resolved or changed on a principled level. The high lords steal our lands for industrial profit and their laws give the same high lords the power to rule over our industry, rights and private property. If their desire is to slaughter our reindeer herds, then their laws are crystal clear. We have nothing to say and we have no way to protect ourselves from this abuse. My brother's case has confirmed that, says Maret Anne.


Monday 9 August to Thursday 12 August (same every day)

10:00 – 15:00 – Viewing for the public with a mediator present at the work.

At 15:00 – 16:00 – Hike/tour starting at Pile o'Sápmi Supreme which ends with a screening of a film by Maret Anne Sara at the RiddoDuottarMuseat.

Friday 13 August

Artist talk with Máret Ánne Sara and Stina Högkvist, the National Museum's director of collections.

Music feature

Panel discussion with Máret Ánne Sara, Beaska Niillas, Mari Boine, Gunnvor Guttorm and Harald Gaski (moderator). Opening of Power Necklace, Gielastuvvon and Pile Power at Gilišilju