
Ann Sofie Kallok2 2048x1365

Product designer develop at Faamoe and Dáiddadállu


Faamoe was started by the Sami Parliament in 2019, where the goal was to develop Sami businesses and their brand and financial management. It was a success, and this year's program started this autumn, which is led by Árvu AS in Alta. Seven duo DJ and design companies have been selected for the programme.

Ann-Sofie Kallok is looking forward to being part of Faamoe

- I am looking forward to, among other things, Šoop Šoop, because then you get the chance to reach out to many buyers in the Nordics. Generally speaking, I expect close contact with the leaders of Faamoe, and to have the opportunity to spar with the rest of the group. But a lot is still up to you, so you have to use the time well to develop yourself.

The business development program lasts for one year and includes, among other things, physical meetings and webinars. The participating companies will also participate in Šoop Šoop – Sámi Duodji and Design Days, which will be organized in 2021.

Modern Sami expression

Ann-Sofie is a designer and is educated in Sami handicrafts at the Samernas Utbildnings Centrum in Jokkmokk and an engineer with an emphasis on Innovation and Design at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. She creates unique products with a modern Sami expression and has for several years sold products at various shops and markets such as Jokkmokk's winter market.

- It means a lot to have the support of professional people who can help me up and forward. After all, I am alone in my company, and sometimes it can feel like having to find my way in a fog. That's why it feels good to get a helping hand. It is much the same with Dáiddadállu. Dáiddadállu is a collective for artists and is very good at running projects that lift both the collective and each artist partner in themselves. It means a lot to be part of Dáiddadállu. You become stronger when you stand together, rather than standing alone.