
8 Artist Máret Ánne Sara at the announcement of The Sámi Pavilion at Sámediggi Norway Photo Eirin Torgersen OCA 2048x1365

Important milestone and extensive innovation - Exciting year for Dáiddadállu

News 20.01.22

Dáiddadállu wishes all our art and collaboration partners a happy new year! We are extra excited and happy at the start of this year, because it offers a lot of exciting things for Dáiddadállu both as an institution and an artist collective. Among the very biggest events are the Venice Biennale and an extensive development project. In addition to this, we have several eventful projects that we will return to.

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Piera Heaika Muotka. Foto: Jonas Driveklepp

We have reached a new milestone!

First of all, we have expanded our administration, and we warmly welcome Piera Heaika Muotka as our new communications officer and administration employee. Piera Heaika has a bachelor's degree in graphic design, and has extensive experience with communication and project work from Sami organisations. Piera Heaika will be responsible for communication on all Dáiddadállu's platforms, and collaborate with general manager Dine in the work on several of Dáiddadállu's major projects.

- The expansion of Dáiddadállu's administration marks an important milestone for us, and helps to relieve the workload of our day-to-day manager, while at the same time giving us even greater capacity to develop and ensure a strong artist environment in Sápmi, says chairman Máret Anne Sara.

Underway with visionary development project

We have also started our large N2 project, which deals with product development and innovation within Sami art. We are lucky enough to have Anja Guttorm Graven as project manager. This is an incredibly large and exciting project that we will be working on for the next three years. The project is financed through one of Northern Norway's largest initiatives for supplier development within, among other things, the creative industry.

The sponsors for Dáiddadállu's N2 project are the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, the owners Nordland, Troms and Finnmark County Council and the Sami Parliament, the Ovddos transition organization in Kautokeino with the partners Innovation Norway Arctic/Nordland and the Research Council.

- Anja has considerable and solid expertise in business development and strategic work and she has all this expertise built on a solid and natural Sami perspective. With her on the team, we will develop Sami art as a business at the same time as we develop Dáiddadállu into a solid and rooted network for Sami artists and creative business practitioners, says Sara.

Anja Graven

Anja Graven

The world's most prestigious art exhibition

In October 2020, Máret Ánne Sara, Anders Sunna and Paulina Feodoroff were launched by the Office for Contemporary Art (OCA) as artists for the ambitious Sami pavilion at the 59th Art Biennale in Venice 2022. The year has finally arrived, and Dáiddadállu will of course be well represented at this historic event when the Sami are recognized for the first time as a nation in a pavilion at the biennale. We are looking forward to a historic event for Sami art history and for our own initiator and artist founder Máret Anne Sara.

Works for premises

While the administration is being expanded and major projects are being discontinued, Dáiddadállu is still without buildings or premises. We represent an important and latent gathering place that both we, artist partners, collaborators and guests miss greatly. With that said, we would also like to inform you that we are working hard to resolve the situation around suitable premises. In this context, we are fortunate to have had Katarina Påve-Gaup at Arctic Prime to lead the work towards a good, qualitative and permanent solution for our diverse needs. We are optimistic that we can soon launch good news about where Dáiddadállu can finally be physically resurrected with both operations, exhibitions and further development here in small, big Kautokeino - the heart of Sápmi.

Pay attention!