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Dáiddadállu participates in a large EU project

  • Location Guovdageaidnu
  • When August, 2024

Dáiddadállu is part of a large EU project, called Birgejupmi, with a budget of nearly 35 million kronor. This is a part of the Horizon funding program. The aim of the project is to highlight and promote Sámi and indigenous art and perspective, among other things by organizing a large indigenous art conference.

Birgejupmi is a research project lasting 3 years, whose main objectives are; document and revitalize indigenous knowledge and skills, assess changes to climate change and explore the transformative potential of regions. The research will be conducted especially in Ráisavuonna, Loabági, Áltá, Bearralvági, Porsanger, Várjjat and in Kalaallit Nunaat.

The University of Oulu coordinates the project, which has a total of 14 work-packages. Dáiddadállu is leading a work-package and in a package, which includes primarily the organization of a conference that will bring together Sámi and indigenous peoples. The aim of the conference is to create arenas where our indigenous partners in the fields can share their perspectives, current issues and share information and knowledge. The target group of the conference is artists, craftsmen, heritage experts and academics. Dáiddadállu work-package also includes curating a large traveling exhibition. In another package Dáiddadállu is going to work with a long needed and vision of an art course at the Sámi University of Applied Sciences.

The overall objective of the project is to highlight climate change and the green transition, which Dáiddadállu has been actively working on since its establishment. These themes are often at the heart of Sámi and indigenous art and clearly affect the way of life, worldview and values ​​of many Sámi.

The project includes researchers from UiT, Oulu University and German researchers as well as Sámi and indigenous partners, such as the Dáiddadállu, Sámi Council, Árvu AS, Álttá Museum, Psychologist Paarnaq, Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam Deutschen, National Geofors HWA, Dongchung University Tartu Ulikool and Ikitsivik.

Elle-Márja Eira, Maja Krïhke Jåma & Beaska Niila. Foto: Susanne Hætta

Elle-Márja Eira, Maja Krïhke Jåma & Beaska Niila. DD seminara - Eatnamet maid 2022. Foto: Susanne Hætta.